
Showing posts from August, 2018


Личные данные пациентов нуждаются в защите Состояние здоровья пациентов является конфиденциальной информацией, которая нуждается в защите. Думаю никому из нас не хотелось бы, чтоб о нашем посещении врача, наличии какого-либо заболевания или принимаемом лечении знали посторонние люди. Развитие информационных технологий породило ряд проблем в здравоохранении. Все больницы и госпитали сейчас имеют выход в интернет и электронные базы данных с информацией о пациентах. В последнее время участились хакерские атаки с целью получения несанкционированного доступа к личным данным пациентов, а также злонамеренные действия некоторых медицинских сотрудников, нарушающих врачебную тайну. До 90% больниц и клиник страдают от утечки данных своих пациентов. Ни одна другая отрасль сейчас не страдает сильнее от взломов и утечек данных, чем здравоохранение. MedChain защитит личные данные пациентов Проблемы, связанные с потерей или кражей медицинских данных, усугубляются проблемами низкой совмест...

The MedChain project will simplify the medical care of the population. Advantages of the MedChain project

Official site  Medicine at all times has been and at the moment is a very popular field. To serve the public, you need to have a qualified professional knowledge. The development of medicine is a very important moment for all mankind. For each of us it is important to study the possibilities of diagnosing various diseases, developing new ways of treating diseases, methods of promoting health, improving work capacity, etc. The emergence and rapid advancement of the directions of paid medicine contributed to the emergence of a whole section of the economy, with its sources of funding, the emergence of a large number of jobs, educational institutions, etc. The development and scaling of the blockchain system facilitates the integration of these innovations into various spheres of life and professional activity of each person. In the field of medicine, there are also quite a few possibilities for using crypto-platforms. The use of dApps applications, decentralized applications ...

MedChain – Take Control of Your Health Record

Why MedChain? Today many healthcare companies do not include the US market for several reasons, largely to avoid SEC scrutiny, but also because HIPAA compliance can be difficult to understand and adhere to for those who do not know. Our founders have extensive experience in health, especially IT health, and as entrepreneurs. You can see their Linkedin page for more of their history, but briefly; Our founders are also founders and CEOs of Zynex Medical (Ticker: ZYXI), a publicly traded Medical Device company. Allocation of Token The Medchain MedCoin Token will have an initial supply supply of 100,000,000 (100 Million) Tokens with total supply can be removed from 1000000000 (1 Billion) through the POST / PoA / PoR consensus algorithm. During initial distribution, disbursements to investors are expected to reach 60%. The total amount of supply may be issued will eventually represent 90% + community ownership of the MedCoin Token. Security token...

Enerji Sektörünün Güçlü Oyuncusu : WPP ENERGY

Blok zincir teknolojisi sayesinde insanlar farklı çözümlere farklı projeler ile çözümler bulabiliyor. Günümüzün en önemli konularından birisi ise enerjidir. Enerji sektörü çok büyük bir sektör olduğu için içerisinde birçok sorunu barındırabiliyor. Bu sorunları çözüme kavuşturmak için bir proje karşımıza çıkıyor. Projenin adı WPP ENERGY. Bu projenin ne olduğundan kısaca bahsetmek gerekirse, WPP ENERGY’nin Yeşil Enerji Platformu, başlangıçta, WPP’nin teknolojileri, ortaklıkları, lisansları, iştirakleri ve üçüncü taraf ilişkilerinin kullanımı yoluyla yeşil enerjinin maliyetini azaltmak için yaratılmış bir İsviçre menşeili bir enerji projesidir. Projenin bağlı olduğu şirket olan WORLD POWER PRODUCTION ENERGY CORPORATION, 2009 yılından bu yana sektörde 30 yılı aşkın tecrübesi ve uluslararası Yeşil Enerji Zirvelerinde konuk konuşmacı ve öğretim görevlisi olan Başkan Rafael Ben tarafından yönetilen küresel yenilenebilir enerji sektörünün liderleridir. WPP ENERGY’nin misyonu yıllardır tutarl...


LEGAL DISCLAIMER This presentation includes forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. While these statements are made to convey to the public the company’s progress, business opportunities and growth prospects, readers and listeners are cautioned that such forward-looking statements represent management’s opinion. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in our forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, actual results may differ materially from those described. The company’s operations and business prospects are always subject to risk and uncertainties. Important factors that may cause actual results to differ are set forth in the company’s filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. The company undertakes no obligation to update the results of these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after today or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipat...